Braided Pastry School Fundraising

When you want to raise money for your sports, field trips, yearbooks, or prom, get results with braided pastry school fundraising.  Kansas Maid™ Braided Pastries are made in a nut-free facility. We are MCM Fundraising, and we are a leading school fundraising company in the northeast. We provide high quality, locally made frozen products from Lyman Orchards® Pie and Crisp, Kansas Maid™ Braided Pastry, and Otis Spunkmeyer® Cookie Dough in our six fundraising packages.

Why MCM Fundraising

MCM Fundraising has had the pleasure of working with hundreds of school fundraisers in the northeast. With the MCM Fundraising Team on your side, some enthusiastic support from your teachers, and an inspired student body, you can quickly earn the funds needed. Our service area encompasses much of New England and parts of New York State. We offer six fundraising Programs that feature outstanding products that all generations will enjoy. Join us this school fundraising season and enjoy sweet success! When you’re looking for the pastry people, give us a call at  1-888-774-5889.