Social Media Ideas

Please utilize any of the images below to advertise your fundraiser on all of your social media platforms!
Feel free to take any additional images from our Instagram to promote your sale:
Be sure to post important details like running dates, deadlines and pickup information.
Don’t forget to tag us in your posts @MCMFundraising so we can cheer you along!

SAMPLE POST: Announcing your Fundraiser
Our Butter Braid fundraiser is here, and it’s time to start selling!
Please check your communication for fundraising fliers today!
Orders are due xx/xx/xxxx with pickup on xx/xx/xxxx from x:xx-x:xx
Feel free to reach out to with any questions.
Thank you for your support- now lets reach our GOAL!
#goal #goalgetter #fundraiser #yum #MCMFundraising

SAMPLE POST: Delivery Day Reminder
IT’S DELIVERY DAY! Things are about to get tasty!
Don’t forget to pick up your frozen items today at xxxx from x:xx-x:xx.
Please plan to deliver the product to your customers today, or make sure you have proper freezer space to hold product.
Feel free to reach out to with any questions.
Thank you for helping us reach our fundraising goal!
#FYI #announcement #goal #goalgetter #fundraiser #MCMFundraising