Fundraising for Cranston RI Schools

The secret to successful fundraising for Cranston RI schools is to partner with MCM Fundraising. Schools throughout Rhode Island are at the mercy budget cuts. School supplies, programs and the arts are at risk due to  budgetary shortfalls. With the onset of Spring, high school and elementary school students in Rhode Island towns like Cranston look forward to Spring Sports. MCM Fundraising has the tools and expertise to help your school achieve its goals.

High School Sports Fundraising

MCM Fundraising has a great track record because we know that product fundraising works. We have the products that people of all ages love, and look forward to at fundraising time. Implementing a successful campaign with consistently high returns motivates your students to set high goals. Young student athletes already support one another on the field. Students recognize the importance of earning needed funds their program. Students who gather in teams, set clear goals and put in the work will learn how to communicate, compromise, and concede. Students gain valuable experience in communication skills, self confidence, and satisfaction. A successful team is one that can confidently sell the story of their goal. Money raised for your Cranston high school sports programs benefits the student athletes, the school, and enriches the community.

MCM Fundraising endorses Product Fundraising

Entire classes can get involved to raise funds for an art program, a music program, field trip or a school sport in your Cranston high school, middle school and elementary schools. When MCM Fundraising participates with your school, we show you how to motivate your student teams, reward your students for individual achievements, and create a buzz in the community. MCM offers six sweet programs from which to choose, all featuring product lines that appeal to all ages.

The Lyman Orchards® Pies, Otis Spunkmeyer Cookie Dough, Butter Braid Pastry and Joyful Traditions Cake Roll brands offered by MCM will lead your fundraising team to sweet success. These brands are easy to sell in any season and make great desserts for the freezer. Joyful Traditions Cake Rolls are enjoyed by all generations. The Otis Spunkmeyer® ready-to-bake cookie dough can be conveniently stored in the freezer until ready to use. Who can resist Butter Braid Pastries? Thaw, Rise, and Bake!